What is @feathersjs/errors?
@feathersjs/errors is a package that provides a set of common error classes and utilities for handling errors in FeathersJS applications. It helps in creating consistent error responses and simplifies error handling in your application.
What are @feathersjs/errors's main functionalities?
Creating Custom Errors
This feature allows you to create and throw custom errors like NotFound, BadRequest, etc., which are predefined in the package. This helps in maintaining consistency in error handling across your application.
const { NotFound } = require('@feathersjs/errors');
// Throw a NotFound error
throw new NotFound('User not found');
Error Handling Middleware
This feature provides middleware for handling errors in an Express application. It checks if the error is an instance of GeneralError and sends a structured JSON response with error details.
const { GeneralError } = require('@feathersjs/errors');
// Express error handling middleware
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
if (err instanceof GeneralError) {
name: err.name,
message: err.message,
code: err.code,
className: err.className,
data: err.data,
errors: err.errors
} else {
Custom Error Classes
This feature allows you to create your own custom error classes by extending the FeathersError class. This is useful for defining application-specific errors with custom properties.
const { FeathersError } = require('@feathersjs/errors');
class CustomError extends FeathersError {
constructor(message, data) {
super(message, 'custom-error', 400, 'CustomError', data);
// Throw a CustomError
throw new CustomError('This is a custom error', { additional: 'data' });
Other packages similar to @feathersjs/errors
The http-errors package provides a set of HTTP error classes for use in Node.js applications. It is similar to @feathersjs/errors in that it helps create and manage HTTP errors, but it is more general-purpose and not specifically tied to FeathersJS.
Boom is a package for creating HTTP-friendly error objects in Hapi.js applications. It provides a similar set of features for error handling and response formatting, but it is designed to work seamlessly with Hapi.js rather than FeathersJS.
Express-error-handler is a middleware for handling errors in Express applications. It provides a way to define custom error handlers and format error responses, similar to the error handling middleware provided by @feathersjs/errors.